
Allikas: Noodid

Revision as of 24. juuni 2012, kell 15:51 by Nuize (Arutelu | kaastöö)

This little application is made for learning the upper position notes equally well - the 1st position is usually easy but the trouble starts when going above the 5th position. It doesn't do magic but just helps to learn the notes. The time spent practicing this way is not wasted;)

Random notes sight-reading exercise

Another: A random chord generator (HTML5). Works best (looks pretty) with Firefox.

Random chords sight-reading exercise

And one more:

Random chords generator - ear training play-along exercise
      • Turn down the volume before clicking! - there is no loading screen. The sounds that are being loaded are played automatically when the page is loading. Silence means "ready".

The graph shows the probability of the intervals in those randomly constructed chords. Adding all 3's and 6's and raising the probability of 4's should generate mostly nice chords. A few of them can be quite fresh and interesting:)

And just one simple thing more:

Random chords on diatonic scale, matchmaking exercise
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